Chasing Cherry Blossoms
Reframing the American story through the multicultural experience:
An educational community storytelling podcast series featuring conversations with Japanese Americans and beyond.
As Americans grapple with increasing tension and division, what can we learn from the past to connect with each other? The series features conversations with Japanese Americans and beyond, and explores identity, culture, and history in a multicultural society.
Produced by an educator and students with diverse backgrounds, the series aims to embrace and empower local communities with multicultural experiences to share their stories and reimagine the future together.
Chasing Cherry Blossoms
Episode 2: Pride In My Heritage
Guests: Michael Komai and J.K. Yamamoto at Rafu Shimpo
To explore how Japanese Americans redefine their experience through community storytelling, Cat visits Rafu Shimpo, a 120-year-old Japanese-English bilingual newspaper operating in Los Angeles. Together with a group of ASU students, Cat talks to President and Publisher Michael Komai, and their longtime journalist, J.K. Yamamoto. Komai shares the story of his grandfather who was arrested by the FBI after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and how they hid Japanese-language letterpress print types to prevent confiscation by the FBI. As print businesses struggle to transition to the digital era, Rafu Shimpo survives by exploring partnerships and adapting to new reader demographics.
Produced by Catherine Jie Baxter
Check out other episodes and slide shows on our website.